Counting Attackers and Defenders
Let's say you're attacking a piece. Should you take it? Most of the time, it depends on the number of pieces attacking and defending. Counting pieces is really important in these situations.
Counting Pieces
Let's say Black played e5 in this position.
Can you take the pawn?
Here, you have to count the number of pieces attacking the pawn and the pieces defending it.
How many pieces are attacking the pawn? Two: the d4 pawn and the f3 knight.
How many pieces are defending the pawn? One: the c6 knight.
There are more pieces attacking than defending, so you can win a pawn by capturing!
Now, what if we reached this position?
Can White still win a pawn? Well, let's find out!
How many pieces are attacking the pawn? Two: the d4 pawn and the f3 knight.
How many pieces are defending the pawn? Two: the d6 pawn and the c6 knight.
The number of attackers and defenders are the same, so White can't win the pawn!
Planning Ahead
Here's a tricky position. Can White still win the pawn?
There are two attackers (the c4 knight and the b2 bishop).
There is only one defender (the d6 pawn).
But wait! What happens if you capture the pawn? You actually end up losing material!
You are winning by one point.
You are losing by two points.
You are losing by one point.
You actually end up losing one point of material if you capture! Pay attention to the number of attackers and defenders but also the values of all the pieces you're looking at.